遠方來的好消息 - Good news from James Morley
We have some good news to share with you. Laurie gave birth to a baby girl!
Katharine Noelle was born on Friday April 20/07 at 8:20 am. She weighed in at 3.2kg, and a lengthy 51cm. She was delivered by c-section (which was a bit unnerving , but in hindsight, the best way to go) and as a result, Katharine is a very photogenic newborn. She sleeps, nurses and cries like a champion. Katharine is already a daddy's girl and I am proud beyond words.
Although it is still early days, we are adjusting to being parents. It is a lot of work, but so far so good. I will keep you posted.
Attached are a few pictures from the past few days.
James, Laurie & Katharine
Happy Expecting Mom 滿心期待的媽咪 (好大的肚子喔!)
Hello Katharine Noelle April 20 07 8 20 AM 7lbs 3ouns 呵呵,七磅多,也算是個小胖娃
Katharine Noelle 4 hours 才出生四小時,以後應該是個美人兒喔
Kiss 母親的愛永遠是最偉大的
Katharine & Dad 這位老爸,以後可要好好賺錢喔 (他又看不懂. . .)
Garden Path 在自家院前,老外的家總是花朵繽紛